wpBurn Blue Theme

October 19, 2009 by admin 16 Comments »

wpBurn Blue

Clean web 2.0 wordpress theme developed by wpburn.Valid XHTML, tested in IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome.
Version: 1.2
Tags: blue, black, white, two-columns, fixed-width, right-sidebar, theme-options

Screenshot :

wpBurn Blue

wpBurn Blue

Demo: http://demo.wpburn.com/

Download: wpBurn Blue v1.2


16 Responses to “wpBurn Blue Theme”

  1. […] Theme Homepage » […]

  2. Jeremy Tharp says:

    Your wpBurn Blue is the best wordpress theme I have found yet, and you deserve accolades for it — clean, polished, and functional!! It was exactly the theme I wanted (and I looked through several hundred).

  3. Bev says:

    How does one edit the Home and About tabs to add on or change it?

  4. Helen says:

    Hi there,
    Many thanks for this lovely theme, it looks very well on my site! As a wordpress newbie I have the same query as Bev – how can I add links to add to or edit the top navigation bar?
    I would like to add a page for training course details to my blog at http://instituteofpastlifetherapy.com/wordpress/

  5. Helen says:

    My apologies! I now see that when you add a new page in wordpress and publish it, a link appears automatically on the top navigation bar.
    One more query though – I’d like to have a link to the primary website on that top navigation bar, at present I can only see how to add a link if I make a wordpress page, but all I want is a link leading to another part of my website (the main section). The blog is in a subdirectory of the main website. Is there a code snippet I can add to header.php to do this please? I’m a php newbie too!
    Many thanks for your patience, Helen

  6. […] Page du thème : chez wpBurn. […]

  7. Tom says:

    I’m using this theme – I too think it’s really nice.

    Is it possible to add a header box and put images in it?

    Also, I’d like to get rid of the search box, how would I do that?


  8. Brian says:

    I love this theme, only problem I have is that the ShareThis plug in doesn’t look right in this theme, but ok in others. The text of the Sharethis overlaps the icon. And when I try the icon only code, the icon gets cut off. Anyone know how I can fix this? I am not the best at css editing yet.

  9. tkuento says:

    the time and day of the comments are repeated,
    I do not know why?
    can help me?

  10. I like too much this theme! Thanks! Is it possible to replace “Search this blog” with “Search” ?

  11. Ivan Leko says:

    Thanks for the theme, very good job!!

  12. Didrik E says:

    Thanks for this great theme. I´m using a firefox language translation plugin from Google and when using your theme my browser says “This page is in Slovak”. Can this be corrected?

  13. Don Seamons says:

    Thanks for the theme. Overall, it’s working great for me, but I want to add a favicon to my blog. I’ve added the file to all the usual places: wp-content/themes/wpburn-blue and wp-content/themes/wpburn-blue/images. No luck. Suggestions?

  14. HI, thanks again for this great theme. It is always the best! Please, how can I set the margins between post-column and widget-column?

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