Dear users,
Waiting for the new WordPress 3.5, we have done a great job in improving our existing WordPress templates.
This time we didn’t limit ourselves to cosmetical changes in the interface and rather focused hard on discarding obsolete functions and fixing various security and template code issues:
* In many templates foreach($posts as $post)
was replaced with while (have_post()) : the_post()
* Displaying the Search field through through get_search_query()
allowed to eliminate a potential XSS vulnerability;
* Many obsolete functions were replaced with newer ones;
* The search form style was fixed in several templates;
* A CSS-rule for limiting the image size by the feed column width was added for all templates.
* eregi
was replaced with preg_match
in the contact forms.
Please mind that you should now set up the sizes of the post’s attached images in the WordPress administration panel.
You can view the detaled documentation here:
You can download our new improved themes here:
Good news, everyone! We’ve worked really hard and brought you some great changes in our WordPress themes. Now using them will be even more fun!
So, what has been changed?
1. Added compatibility with WordPress 3.3.2.
2. Fixed layout and theme issues.
3. Increased stability of the embedded code in some of the theme templates.
4. Added wp_footer() code in some of the themes.
5. Links to third-party websites removed from the theme footers: now you can be sure you don’t link to or mention an untrusted or undesired resource.
You can download our new improved themes here:
A new clean and modern wordpress theme.
wpTune is compatible with most browsers, tested in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, IE6, IE7, IE8.
Check it on

wpTune Screenshot
Download v1.1.2 | Demo
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wpBurn Blue
Clean web 2.0 wordpress theme developed by wpburn.Valid XHTML, tested in IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome.
Version: 1.2
Tags: blue, black, white, two-columns, fixed-width, right-sidebar, theme-options
Screenshot :

wpBurn Blue
Download: wpBurn Blue v1.2
WP FollowMe is a wordpress plugin that allows you to add a twitter “Follow me” badge on your wordpress blog.
Get what version you like more :
Update v2.0.4 :
- 404 not found error for css file fixed
- minor bugs fixed
Update v2.0.3 :
- The badge is completly in flash.
- The text is displayed sideways.
- Added border color option.
- “I love it ” icon and question mark removed
Update v2.0 :
- Choose from 16 twitter icons or use your own.
- Edit the icon background color.
- Edit the “Follow Me” text.
- Change text color.
- Change font size.
- Change font family.
If you found a bug or if you have a twitter icon that you want to share with all other users of this plugin let me know on comments section.
What you need to use this plugin :
- a wordpress powered website (blog)
- a account (obviously)
How to use it :